Homemade Bread

My boys LOVE bread... they can't get enough of it!

 I make it for the boys to eat for breakfast and a snack instead of giving them the sandwich bread from the store which is so thin and literally half the bag is gone before their bellies are full!)

-What you'll need-

3 pkg Rapid Rise Yeast (found near the cake mixes)
11 cups of All Purpose Flour 
2 tbs Salt
3 tbs Sugar
5 1/2 cups Warm Water
Loaf Pans (recipe makes 4 loafs)

Set oven to 350 degrees
Bake 45 minutes

Mix all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl  and mic until everything is about blended.
Honestly, I have a hard time blending it all, so I get a little messy and use my hands! 

Grease up the Loaf Pans really well (I use Pam)

Spoon in mixture

Next comes the boring part... you have to wait! 
Wait until dough rises then place into the oven 

About 10 minutes before timer goes off, (I usually stop the timer) take out the loafs and paint on butter then start up the timer again for 10 minutes
                       We made a round one for sandwich bread instead of making 4 loafs
After 45 minutes of baking, cool on a wire rack. WAIT to cut into the loafs until they are cool 
(we cut into them about an hour and a half after we took them out)


The Routh Family said...

That looks great Lynds! I'm going to give that one a try, your pictures rope me in. :)

Corgis and Sweaters said...

Lisa it is so easy and fun to make! Aubrey would have so much fun seeing how the dough rises!

The Routh Family said...

We are going to make this tonight. How do you think it would turn out if we took one loaf and added cinnamon sugar and walnuts? Just to change it up a bit!

Corgis and Sweaters said...

Probably delicious! I love anything that has cinnamon sugar in it! Let me know how it comes out!

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